Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tutorial 4&5: Video Production Sessions

Provide a brief summary of the services offered by You Tube

You Tube is a popular hosting and sharing service which allows users to upload and view video files. You Tube creates a sense of community by allows users to rate,comment and follow favourite producers. You Tube uses the Adobe Flash format, which is supported by most browsers including internet explorer. You Tube allows users to embed any video onto a blog or webpage at no cost.

Here is a 3 minute clip on the history of You Tube!!

Provide a brief account on how the use of planning, storyboarding and scripting aided your groups short film.

Storyboarding is a series of drawings of the proposed film, as it will appear on the screen. The drawings are an important part in the production of any film or video. It is the plan of the end product and is often reffered to during production process.

"Storyboards are graphic organizers such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence, including website interactivity." (Wikipedia)
"The script is the vehicle by which thoughts and ideas of the author are transmitted to the audience. The script should be the basis for everything that is both heard and seen on the screen." (Participation in Occupation 1, 2010)

A good script should look to include the following points:
*moods and expressions
*facial expressions
*vocal expressions
*special effects
*camera angles and types of shot

Storyboarding and scripting aided my group when creating our short film because it meant that each scene was carefully planned and we all knew exactly what is to be done and no time is wasted trying to organise what each creator is going to do. It also provided all creators an understanding about the different aspects each scene including the different camera angles and expressions of each actor during each specific scene.

Check out my video click posted on You Tube!!


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. You guys have done really well with your videos considering some of the challenges you faced.
