I have chosen to talk about good old facebook!!! The web address is www.facebook.com
What is the brief or focus of this community
Facebook is a social networking site. It has similar to MySpace and Bebo. The difference is that applications are added by the user. Users can find friends and send messages to stay in touch with present and old friends.
What services are provided? How interactive is this site? How can people contribute?
By signing up to facebook, users are in charge of their own page. You can create it however you want by updating your staus, uploading photos/videos, providing as much personal detail as you like. Facebook allows the user the right to choose who can view their page by accepting or declining friend requests. Facebook allows users to instant message others or send private messages.
Why do people choose to contribute to this community. What is it they are seeking?
Facebook is very popular and many users join to feel a sense of 'belonging'. Facebook has many group pages that users can join which increases the feeling of belonging. e.g. i belong to a page that is about occuptaional therapy. Facebook is widely used throughout the world and it provides the means to stay in touch and communicate with friends. Facebook provides a service where users can express/communicate their own opinions freely.
Here is a snipet of topics discussed on facebook.
Comment on the potential ethical issues that may arise in this community e.g. lack of identity and accountability.
There are many ethical issues that are present with online communities however facebook tries to ensure these issues are addressed and understood. When signing up to facebook users are informed of terms and responsibilies. Users are required to accept these terms and it helps to keep them safe while accessing their account. Several setting are constantly changes within facebook. e.g privacy. Users can decide who can view their page e.g public, mutual friends, friends or private. This helps with privacy and confidentially of users.
Comment on the benefits this community holds over traditional notions of community
Facebook has no barriers for communication and interaction between users other than whether they are deemed to be friends. Grographic context does not impact facebook as users all over the world are members to facebook. Facebook is a quick and simple form of communicating with people compared to writing as they required time to be sent and recieved,, whereas facebook is instant!!!
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